The one on the right of this pic, on the clutch side is ok (the stud is 5mm longer), and it uses a yamaha flat washer underneath.
However, you have to lift the barrel slightly to get the nut on, as its close to the 1st (full) fin on the barrel.
The left hand stud is a shorter version of the same. This is the SRX part number for the stud in that position. Maybe different as this head and barrel is actually XT600?
However, its too short: the threaded portion of the stud doesn't go all the way through the nut. A bad thing, so I'll have to use a longer one here too, as per the right hand one in this photo above.
You can see the thick spacer/washer here, and that even the long stud in this case is too short. 2 custom studs possibly?
Previously, this motor broke the barrel and sheared the studs, possibly due to a distinctly dodgy-looking 4-ply barrel gasket.
I don't want to take any unnecessary chances, but I suppose thats the problem mating together parts which weren't originally intended to go together.
Cheers for now, will post more after I've done a bit more thinking!
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